“Your scarcest resource is not your time. It’s your attention. Your best work flows from paying undivided attention to the projects that matter to you. Your deepest connections come from listening with rapt attention to the people who matter to you.” – Adam Grant
Imagine if your meetings were an investment of your full attention with the people you lead and the shared purpose you hold. Research, and our work in the field with leaders across sectors, tells us that this type of meeting is not the norm.
Of senior managers in a range of industries:
71% said meetings are unproductive and inefficient
65% said meetings keep them from completing their own work
64% said meetings come at the expense of deep thinking
62% said meetings miss opportunities to bring the team closer together
Ineffective meetings cost US businesses up to $399 BILLION per year. And that’s just a calculation based on time spent. It doesn’t factor in the impact those meetings have on organizational climate and culture, including: morale, engagement, relationships, and ultimately business results.
According to Professionals on the impact of poorly organized meetings:
44% said they didn’t have enough time to do the rest of their work
43% said unclear actions lead to confusion
38% said bad organization results in loss of focus on projects
31% said irrelevant attendees slows down progress
26% said inefficient processes weaken client/supplier relationships
When we say meetings matter, it’s because they really do. Whether it’s one-on-one, a team meeting, or a company-wide broadcast, the quality of the conversations reveals the quality of the organization’s leadership and relationships. Both are inextricably linked to the ability to achieve desired outcomes and create an environment where people thrive.
There is a better way. Research shows, and our experience with clients confirms, when you apply disciplined meeting practices and protocols, employees perceive significant improvements:
42% increase in team collaboration
32% increase in psychological safety to speak up and express opinions
30% increase in satisfaction with work/life balance
28% increase in team performance
Think your meetings could use a makeover? This month we are offering a meeting redesign giveaway that includes an observation and a strategy session with one of our JLC Meeting Masters. Enter by July 31, 2021.
Or, reach out now for a complimentary discovery/strategy call.
Sources: HBR Magazine - 2017, Doodle - 2019